Redemption Student Ministry

In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, 
according to the riches of his grace.
 Ephesians 1:7


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Youth ministry is a unique ministry!  It is caring for teens who are still under their parent’s authority and are in the process of transitioning into adulthood.  It includes a mix of believers and unbelievers.  It includes teens who want to be there and teens who are forced to be there.  Maturity levels are all over the map.  Teens are still developing physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually.  Therefore, we can expect this to sometimes be messy – but praise God, He does great work as we ask Him to honor our faithfulness!  He is the redeemer. 



Redemption Youth Ministry exists to bring glory to God by making, maturing, and multiplying disciples of Jesus. We will do this by equipping parents in teaching and by equipping Students to live a life according to the Gospel, empowered by the Spirit of Christ.   



After 4 years in Redemption Student Ministry, we long to see every graduating senior marked by:

CONVERSION - We pray for God to bring about a genuine faith response to the gospel.

  • We want to be careful that our teaching and modeling isn’t moralism and that the Christian life is about the rules and doing the right things. The Christian life is about finding life in Christ (the gospel), having a transformed heart, finding satisfaction in God, loving God, and living out who we are in Christ because our hearts are being changed. We must start with what Christ has done for us before we bring the call of how to live that out.

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CONVICTION Trusting God and having a desire to grow and live in God’s good design.

  • We want the youth to know that God is good, great, glorious and gracious.

  • We want them to cultivate a conviction that the bible can be trusted as God's word, can be studied in order to grow, and is the Word that gives life.

  • We want them to desire for God's wisdom and desire to bring glory to God in all they do.

CONNECTIONConnected in God honoring relationships. 

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  • We desire they learn how to develop God honoring relationships with parents, pastors, the local church (serving and fellowship), friends, others and with unbelievers.

  • We long for them to want to share their faith and disciple other teens in their sphere of friendships.


Parent Involvement

Parents have been given the primary role of discipling their teen. (Deut 6, Prov 22:6, Eph 6:1-4). Parents have the opportunity to teach the gospel and live out the gospel of grace on a daily basis with their teens.  We may have your teen for a few hours a week whereas parents them for over 100 hours per week. We want to help parents in their God given role of discipling and building relationships with the teens. 

Therefore part of Redemption Student Ministry is to equip parents in the role to which God has called them.  This will be done through parent break out groups during monthly Redemption meetings, providing resources to parents, providing specific sermon application help, book and article recommendations, parenting teen workshops, and pastoral counseling and support. 

Listen to 2 very helpful sermons Evan did on how the theology of parenting drives our methodology of parent involved youth ministry.


Monthly Youth Ministry Rhythm: UNDER CONSTRUCTION.


Team Leaders

Evan and Jessica Anderson

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Evan and Jess have a passion for walking in a discipleship relationship with young people.  They have been serving the Teens of our community for 13 plus years in various capacities.  Weather it is through Student Ministries, Para Church Organizations, or in Jessi’s work with Washington County Public Schools, Evan and Jess have focused on connecting with local teens.   They have four amazing kids and are very active within the Smithsburg community.  Evan is working on a B.S. in Evangelism from Liberty University and Jessica has an Elementary Education degree from Towson University.   Since becoming members of Redeeming Grace Church, Evan and Jess have set forth on a journey encourage spiritual growth within our Students and foster Parent lead discipleship at home. 

If you would like more information about Redemption Student Ministry, please send us a note and some will be in touch with you !